Monday, October 02, 2006

Rai - filo-governativo and disrespectful in one smooth package

RaiNews24 reports that four left-wing politicians (Giorgio Merlo, Margherita; Gennaro Migliore, RC; Loredana de Petris, Verdi; Esterino Montino, DS) have complained to Rai about the broadcast of the 'Prodi rap' during a news bulletin. The centre-right, in the shape of Altero Matteoli, accuses the left of stamping out 'liberty of expression', which presumably Rai enjoys.

At the same time, however, the centre-right - now in the shape of Paolo Bonaiuti - criticises Rai for being servile in its treatment of the Government's recently passed budget.

It would be a wonderful innovation if we could have evidence-based criticism considering Rai's coverage of politics over the medium-term - after all, why else does Agcom collect such voluminous data on politicians' screen time?

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